What It Is

Trusting in your own experience...

*This course is the recordings from a past live course - there is no live component with this version.*

In this course you will be encouraged to explore using your lived experience and felt sense rather than things you think you know. Of course knowing things is important too... but we'll get to that later... 

Through, movement, imagination and touch, you will move through 7 x deep dive Experiential Anatomy workshops and 5 Feldenkrais classes. You will discover ways of coming into relationship with parts of yourself that you may not have imagined possible. 

The workshop recordings give you a chance to watch the students discussions of their experiences, and then the learning is further supported with exploration of the science. 

The primary focus of this course is to re-home your imagination, envisioning, felt sense and instinct in an integrated and earthed place within your experience of being embodied.   

The idea behind it

'You didn't come into this world, you came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.'

Alan Watts

Workshops & Course Flow

7 x 2.5hr Experiential Anatomy sessions with Feldenkrais, 3D anatomy & physiology maps and integration

    1. Welcome! Read this first....

    2. Welcome to the course! A message from Rachel - some practical details

    3. Intro to what to expect of the movement sessions - Somatic Movement v/s Feldenkrais

    4. An Introduction to Feldenkrais for those new to it - what you'll need for your first Feldi class

    1. Starting From The Ground, Up - Intro Video

    2. The Gift and Challenge of Gravity & Weight Bearing

    3. Recording of the Live workshop - Week 1

    4. Anatomy Notes - Week 1 - The Feet!

    5. Anatomy Notes - Week 1 - The Bones of the Pelvis

    1. Orienting, The Horizon and Moving Towards What We Desire

    2. Intro to Week 2 - Reaching, Looking, Desiring

    3. Recording of the Live Workshop - Week 2

    4. Anatomy Notes Week 2 - The Hands

    5. Anatomy Notes Week 2 - The Central Nervous System & Intro to Brain Functions

    1. Feldenkrais Lesson (Week 3)

    2. Intro to the first Feldenkrais Class

    3. Feldenkrais Class 1 - The Feet and It's Toes - Audio Only

    4. Feldenkrais Class 1 - The Feet & It's Toes - Video

    5. Reflection questions

    1. Feldenkrais Lesson (Week 4)

    2. Week 4 - Intro to this week's Feldenkrais Class

    3. Week 4 - Feldenkrais Class - Work with the dominant hand

    4. Week 4 - Feldenkrais Class - Work with the dominant hand - audio only

    5. Reflection questions

    1. Tracking The Archetypal Shapes We (And All Nature) Are Made Of

    2. Week 5 - Intro to Waves, Pulses & Spirals

    3. Recording of the Live workshop - Week 5 - Waves Spirals & Pulses - Embodied Metaphor

    4. Anatomy notes - Week 5 - The Female v/s Male Pelvis

    5. Anatomy Notes - Week 5 - Orientation and Relationships in Space

    6. Anatomy Notes - Week 5 - Peripheral, Autonomic and Parasympathetic Nervous System & how they relate to Poly Vagal Theory

About this course

  • £299.00
  • 57 lessons
  • 21 hours of video content

The Flow of The Course...

  • Being In a Body - Primary Experience

    Most of the workshop time will be devoted to themed somatic explorations... that means experiential, process based learning, for deepening your personal relationship with your anatomy & physiology. This will involve movement, imagination, visualisation and self touch.

  • sharing circles

    Watch recorded live workshops where participants share what they encountered in the exploration.

  • Imaging & 3D maps

    After the experiential session, we visit relevant 3D anatomical maps for further context and ongoing research. I also point you in the direction of relevant texts.

  • Feldenkrais classes

    Interspersed with the workshops are 5 Feldenkrais classes. These have been added to develop and enrich certain aspects of what is explored in the previous workshops.

  • Recordings for life

    You will have access to the recordings of the workshops and all the Feldenkrais classes for life. To review and revisit as your ongoing enquiry deepens. The idea is that this becomes a living library.

  • Synthesis & Integration

    How do you put this all together and use this knowledge to enrich your experience of being alive? How might it be relevant to your work? We also explore real life applications.

Time Commitment

To get the most out of this course, allow for an average minimum of 2.5 - 3 hrs on the workshop weeks and 1 - 1.5 hrs on the Feldenkrais weeks.

If you'd like to go a little deeper, you can plan to spend an additional hour each week following up / revisiting / researching.

If you are a somanaut junkie like me, you could happily spend many many hours a day exploring down the many possible delicious somatic and anatomical wormholes!... ;-).

Similarly, if your time is very taxed, you could spread the learning over a year if you want. You'll have access to the sessions on the course hub for a year from sign up, and you can download the recordings so you own them for life.

How Do I know If This Is For Me?

This course will be useful for anyone who wants a deeper understanding and more intrinsic knowledge about how being in a body works. It might be that you are working with bodies in some way - movement, dance, sport, body work, fitness. Or maybe you just want to get to know your home for this life time a bit better. Any level of experience is welcome and the only prerequisite is being in a body.

About Your Host

Rachel Blackman

Rachel is a somatic educator with over 20 years experience. She has worked both clinically (hands on) and remotely, in classrooms, in groups, one to one and in training programs locally and internationally.

She is fiercely passionate about supporting us to re-home our whole selves in our embodied experience and grow a more sustainable way of being.

For 8 years she worked as a guest trainer and then co-lead trainer at The Embodied Facilitator Course. Now she trains coaches to work with the body at The Somatic School. Her specialisms are touch, play, imagination and expression.

She is also a trained actor, Feldenkrais practitioner, theatre maker, improvisor, somatic coach, creativity consultant and mentor.

Rachel grew up on unceded Bungalung and Eora lands in what is now NSW Australia. Most of her people are still there. She lives in Brighton UK with her husband and bonus son.

To read more about Rachel or read what people say about working with her, click the button below...


Pricing is worked out on a sliding scale:

REGULAR price is - £299

If you are ok for money money please choose this price. (for example you have a car and have no  trouble paying your rent / mortgage & / or you own property.) This amount works out at £24.90 per week.

CONCESSION price is - £249

If money is a little less easy -  this price works out at £20.85 pw  - (for example you mostly have no trouble paying your rent / mortgage and meeting your basic living costs and usually get by ok.)  

BUDGET price is £199

This price works out at £16.60 p/w - (for example you may struggle with basic living costs. Please only select this price if you really need it.)

If money is even tighter, but you are keen to join, there are further options available. Please get in touch

Ok, Cool, So What Next?

You'll find lots of options for payment below. These have been deliberately kept flexible so that people can access the content no matter what their budget... If you are comfortable for money, please choose the regular price.

If money is a struggle and none of these options work for you, please get in touch with us.

Thank you! xx