Business As Sacred Activism

​If your business or company had a Soul, what might it be like?

This course is for entrepreneurs, business people and creatives who care about working from resonance, passion and integrity.

If your business had its own personhood, what might it be like? Let's play the game of assuming it is a living thing... how might that change how you tend to it?

Perhaps this is not something to believe in, or disbelieve, but rather, an imaginative territory to experiment inside.

This work is for clarifying and deepening your relationship with the thing(s) you are growing and learning to be a healthy steward of your own work. So that you might cultivate work that nourishes you and those it touches.

It consists of

• 8 x live experiential online workshops - 90 mins each - Mondays 4pm-5:30pm UK / 11am - 12.30pm NY.

• 4 x live 'Digestive' chat sessions - 60 mins each - To deepen the learnings and weave in those who are participating via recordings. Currently scheduled for Thursday's, 4pm-5pm UK, but can be adapted as per needs of the group.

• Weekly videos and support content in the class hub, including pre-session and post session home enquiries.

• Recordings of all the live sessions available for life(!), and a wrap up from each session, gathered in a weekly follow up email.

• An off-facebook private community sharing space.

• Half price 1:1s where needed and within Rachel's availability within the course container.

The Thinking Behind It

Why This Course?

We are used to looking out towards the market place to get clues about how to shape what we do.

Looking outwards, taking the temperature, anticipating what is needed, comparing and contrasting, creating strategy for defining and meeting the needs of our audience.

This is an important part of the picture and a necessary skill.

We need it to eat after all!

But if this outward focus dominates our creative attention, we can lose connection with the living, breathing seed that is at the heart of what we do.

We can get dried out and our thing will lose juice and aliveness.

At the extreme end, this can cause bad things to happen, like grind culture and extractive capitalism.

This course is about remembering the vibrant aliveness at the heart of the thing. It is for exploring the benefits of attending to it as if it had a living intelligence and might want to interact.

Let's orient towards our creations in a way that looks more like co-creation and partnership, than continual self-sacrifice, or relentless carrot chasing.

The world needs business that are run with a healthy soul intact and people who feel inspired to steward them.

Let's explore.

Course Curriculum

    1. A Reminder Of What We Are Doing Here Together

    2. Welcome and course flow

    3. How To Use This Course & Where to Find Everything

    4. Preparing For The Live Calls

    1. Lesson One Intro - Awareness Love & values

    2. Lesson 1 Recording - 2nd September 2024

    3. Lesson 1 - Audio Only Recording - Downloadable

    4. Home Enquiries - Week 1

    1. Intro to Lesson 2 - Purpose being ever emergent & responsive. What we have planned...

    2. Big Love / Deep Need in the World - Pre- lesson exercise.

    3. Lesson 2 Recording - 9th September 2024

    4. Lesson 2 - Audio Only Recording - Downloadable

    5. Drop In Practice - Audio Only - Downloadable

    6. Lesson 2 - Post session reflections

    1. Recording of Digestive Chat - 12th September 2024

    2. Audio Only Recording - Digestive Chat - Downloadable

    1. A Guide For Your Business - Lesson 3 Prep video

    2. Lesson 3 - A little bit more context for working with resonant Objects from the previous course.

    3. Lesson 3 Recording - 23rd September 2024

    4. Lesson 3 - Audio Only Recording - Downloadable

    5. Somatic Anchor Short Practice - Audio - Downloadable

    6. Somatic Visualisation - Audio Only - Downloadable

    7. Lesson 3 follow up and home enquiry

    1. Lesson 4 intro - Considering Relationships

    2. Lesson 4 Recording - 30th September 2024

    3. Lesson 4 - Audio Only Recording - Downloadable

    4. Lesson 4 Somatic Exploration - Audio - Downloadable

    5. Lesson 4 - Deepening Exploration 1

    6. Lesson 4 - Deepening Exploration 1 - AUDIO - DOWNLOADABLE

    7. Lesson 4 - Deepening Exploration 2

    8. Lesson 4 - Deepening Exploration 2 - AUDIO - DOWNLOADABLE

Tending The Soul of Your Business

  • An intimate group programme for clarifying and deepening your relationship with the thing(s) you are growing.
  • 8 live online workshops, 90 minutes each
  • 4 live 'Digestive Chat' sessions, 60 minutes each, to deepen the learnings

Pricing options

This course has a spectrum of price points for maximum accessibility.

If you are doing ok, own your own home, and/or are claiming this as a business expense, please choose the higher price. This works out at £30 per live hour of teaching time.

The concession price is for people who need it. This works out as just over £24 per hour of live teaching time.

If these options are still not accessible to you, or you’d like a different payment plan - for example if you are on the pointy end of oppressive systems, an artist, a carer, or just coming back into work following motherhood, please contact me directly.

Curious and want to know more?

I ran a free taster workshop and Q&A session for this course. If you'd like to see the recording from that session and have a go at the taster exercise, click the button below to enroll for free. You will need to create a login for my course hub in order to access the recording.

Who is This Course For?

Is it right for me?

This might be right for you if you are feeling sapped and malnourished by your current work focus. Perhaps you are wanting to re-connect to the essence of what you do and remember why you started doing it in the first place? Or perhaps it is more about re-connecting with the thing you have always longed to do, but have been investing your energy elsewhere.

Of course we need to earn a living. That goes with out saying! But what about even before that? What is it about this thing that brings you alive?

This is inner work. It is creative and relational. We will be working at the level of neuroplastic change which means the changes that arrive in your work might be subtle and emergent. They might also be dramatic - it is hard to predict! What ever the case, they will also be systemic - something changing in you will have ripple effects through everything you make and how you make it.

This course is most suited to you if you have a creative project, a company, a business or some other kind of thing you are making with its own life in the world. Or an idea for something that longs to be born through you.

It is less suited to people who are in full time employment... although there might be resonance there too.

If you have further questions about whether or not this might be a fit for you, please get in touch.

Your Guide

Guide Rachel Blackman

Rachel Blackman is the founder of Vibrant Being - Maps of Creation and Vibrant Body.

Rachel is a daughter, wife, step-mother, aunty, cousin and a human person. She is also an artist, somatic educator, theatre maker, trainer and mentor. She trains coaches and trainers to work with the body at The Somatic School and is passionate about nurturing biological intelligence and being in collaboration with The Generative Principle. She and has over 20 years of hands on clinical experience as a body worker and Feldenkrais Practitioner. She also works as a Somatic Coach and Creative facilitator. She has been facilitating people to come into their embodied intelligence and creative agency for over 22 years.

She believes we inhabit a living universe that we have a responsibility to steward and participate in. And that the intelligence of the living world wants to be in direct relationship with us.

She believes art can be a site of secular, sacred, collective dreaming and that creativity is the birthright of all beings.

Rachel's theatre latest piece is a celebration of the creative potential of failure called, "You Aren't Doing It Wrong If No One Knows What You Are Doing", and is a Brighton Festival Commission. You may remember her best when she had a lot less hair, as Charra in Matrix Revolutions.

Rachel comes from a large family of Australians who migrated - some by choice, some against their will - from various parts of Europe and the UK, including Scandinavia, Scotland and England. She pays homage to the original stewards of the unceded territories of her birth & childhood - The Jagera, Muwinina, Kaurna, Bungalung & Eora Nations.

Rachel lives in Brighton UK with her husband Shad and bonus son Akash.

Image by Shad