What is this?

And why now?

It is Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere and that means the very first stirrings of spring are happening below the surface of things.

Mostly not visible yet - the darkness is still quite pervasive - but quietly, beneath things, there is a rumbling of potential.

Seeds are beginning to wake up and turn towards the light. This is not a metaphor! Still soft and uncertain, but curious about what the rest of the year might bring. What they might become?

Let us follow their lead...

Not so long ago, before you knew how to speak, you, yourself were like a soft little seed; full of curiosity, wonder and delight at the miracle of being in a brilliant little body. This time of year invites us back to that time.

It is rare for our fully grown adult bodies to remember they can explore with wonder, ease and softness, like we knew how to do many moons ago.

Something in you remembers...

How might it be to imagine into the year ahead from this young, soft, preverbal place in ourselves? How might it be to envision the year from the place of being ready to begin waking up into it?

This is a perfect moment in the year to come together and do some visioning of the year ahead.

Workshop flow

Originally this ran as a single 3 hour (half day) workshop. We are offering these materials now to explore at your own pace and you may find you naturally want to take more time with it... the collaging for example was something people wanted more time with. 

For reference, the original flow of the workshop (and timings) is described below. 

You can decide to visit this in a flow as we are suggesting here, or in a modular way at your own pace. If there is anything you'd like to take more time with, or revisit, simply pause the recording and follow your natural impulses. 

We begin by getting cosy on the floor. Then you will be guided in some deliciously slow and gentle, exploratory movement. This is a lesson which tracks some primal developmental movement - movement from a time when you, yourself were a soft, stirring little seed. 

Then after a break, there's a sharing circle, followed by a guided somatic ritual for envisioning this moment in the year and how it is inside you - feeling (not thinking) your way into your intentions. 

Then you will be invited to move that vision into physical expression. 

Finally we will all settle into cultivating our visions for the year ahead via collaging, symbolism and envisioning. We will complete with another share at the end where there will be an invitation to consider what's next.

Workshop flow:

~ Feldenkrais lesson (1 hour) 

~ Morning tea break (10 mins suggested but choose your preferred pace) 

~ Sharing circle  (10 mins) 

~ Imbolc Somatic Ritual into expressive movement. (40 mins)

~ Envisioning 2024 - collage time (15 mins - 60 mins: please take as long as you like!) 

~ Sharing & First steps (30 mins) 


How will I know if this is for me?

This workshop is for you if you are curious about beginning the year in a way that feels resourcing, lined up with your needs and fun.

The space you will be welcomed into is one of exploratory, sensory learning and play.

Everyone who signs up receives downloadable copies of all the individual guided practices to keep and revisit for life.

You will find the experience more comfortable if you are able to get up and down from the floor. You will also ideally have a private space to move freely in. The only pre-requisite is having a body and an imagination. No art making skills, movement skills or physical experience are necessary.

What to bring

You will need:

  • The internet
  • A private space to work
  • A candle (optional - for ritual purposes)

For the movement:

  • A mat on the floor with a blanket on top of it.
  • Comfortable clothes you can move in.
  • Layers for warmth
  • Space to move

For the Ritual & Envisioning process:

  • Magazines to cut up.
  • Scissors, glue, pens, paints, art materials
  • Something to collage onto (large paper /sketchpad / cardboard)

Pricing options

Please choose the pricing option that works best for you

Your Facilitator

Hey there, I am your guide for the workshop. I am a Feldenkrais practitioner, somatic coach, trainer and creativity facilitator. I have been working professionally in the fields of creative practice and somatic practice for my whole adult life.

Got Any Questions?

Drop me a line via rachel (at) vibrantbody.co.uk. I'm not super fast with email, but I will endeavour to get back to you at a respectable Imbolc pace.