What it is

and What to Expect

Eight carefully shaped Chapters supporting you to create space for dreaming, being still, resting, digesting, composting, healing and being nourished. All during the season when we - biologically speaking - are intended to be hibernating, but culturally we are often running around like headless chickens.

It will consist of a combination of guided audio downloads and live experiential group sessions. The idea is that during this time of darkness we are limiting time on glowing screens whilst still allowing some time in the group for social support and togetherness during the daylight hours if that is your preference.

There will be 4x live group sessions (12 & 19 December, 9 & 30 January @ 3pm UK time), and between these will be downloadable guided audio sessions you can use in your own time. This course is suitable to also be done entirely via the recordings if you can't make it live. or prefer to work in a more introverted way.

This work is suitable for anyone with some curiosity about carving out sacred time, or longing for some holding during winter. How might you make space for the gift of hibernation?

Everyone is welcome.

Rachel's Intro

Click to watch video

'Even if you are a small forest surviving off of
moon alone,
your light is extraordinary.'

― Nayyirah Waheed


and Course Flow

12 December - Chapter 1 - 3pm - 4.30pm UK - LIVE 

19 December - Chapter 2 - 3pm - 4.30pm UK - LIVE

26 December - Chapter 3 downloads 

2 January - Chapter 4 downloads 

9 January - Chapter 5 - 3pm - 4.30pm UK - LIVE 

16 January - Chapter 6 downloads 

23 January - Chapter 7 downloads 

30 January - Chapter 8 - 3pm - 4.30pm - LIVE 


Run for 90 minutes between 3pm - 4.30pm UK, 

A video prompt will arrive on the hub on the Tuesday prior to prepare you for the live call. You will also receive a reminder email that the call is happening later that day. 

Recordings of the live calls will be uploaded to the course  hub and will be available to view within 48 hours. 


Downloads will take the form of short video prompts and 15 - 20 minute guided audio explorations. 

That will arrive in the Hub on Thursday mornings UK time. You will also receive a reminder email to let you know they are there. 


You can do this program at your own pace. If it would feel supporting to do it inside the dates suggested with the flow of most of the group, you will be able to follow along from as little as half an hour a week. 

If you are expecting a busy Winter Season, fear not! Even just finding a few moments to be alone in a bedroom with a closed door will be enough to give you a sense of dipping into a more authentic Winter. 

Course Curriculum

    1. Where to Find Everything

    2. Preparing your Time & Space for this course

    3. Zoom Link for Live Sessions

    4. Our Mighty Networks Community

    1. Meeting Your Course Companion and What is in Store

    2. The Necessity of Hibernation for Repair & Healing

    3. How Might we Carve out Space During a time of Limited Space?

    4. Recording of Live Call - 12th December 2024

    5. Audio Only of Live Call - DOWNLOADABLE

    6. Somatic Visualisation Practice - DOWNLOADABLE

    1. Ritual Care for the darkest time

    2. Dreams: Letting yourself Be Dreamed

    3. Intro to Chapter 2

    4. Recording of Live Call - 19th December 2024

    5. Audio Only of Live Call - DOWNLOADABLE

    6. Somatic Visualisation Practice - DOWNLOADABLE

    1. Cultivating a Fertile Void

    2. Chapter 3 intro video a bit about the downloads this week

    3. Core Self Visualisation - Audio Download

    4. Creative Prompt - Audio Download

    5. Spell / Ritual for the Dark Moon - Audio Download

    1. Drawing, Moving & Writing for the Wild Mythic Imaginal

    2. Chapter 4 - intro video - Nourishing an Inner life

    3. Guided Drawing Stem - Audio Download

    4. Guided Movement Stem - Audio Download

    5. Guided Writing Stem - Audio Download

    1. More Resources from Beneath The Earth

    2. Recording of Live Call - 9th January 2025

    3. Audio Only of Live Call - DOWNLOADABLE

    4. Somatic Drop In Practice - DOWNLOADABLE

About this course:

  • 8 chapters of live online & offline learning
  • Downloadable material for hibernating off screen.

Pricing options

This course is priced to low to make it as accessible as possible to the most people. If you are comfortable for money, please choose the regular price. If you have to watch your money, please choose the middle price or the monthly payment plan. The lowest price is for people who really need it and / or are dealing with the pointy end of systemically oppressive factors.


  • I can't make the live calls. Will I still be able to participate?

    Yes! This course is designed so do as much of it in your own time - or via the recordings - as you like. You can track along with the rhythm of the group or do things at your own pace. You can also join the program at any point during Winter. We find that the work can be deeper if you track along with the intended time frame, but it isn't essential.

  • I like to be able to engage with other people on the course, to share and compare notes. Will this be available?

    Yes. If you like more of a social connection, we'd recommend prioritising the live calls and taking advantage of the chance to be paired with a 'travel companion'. There is also a community sharing space on the Mighty Networks.

  • I'm not sure I can do it this year. Will you be running it again?

    Honestly, I don't know. There is a good chance I may be in a different hemisphere at this time next year. If you are unsure, I would say grab it now to do it later, because you will have the recordings for life.