What is it?

A Saturday morning experiential workshop for supporting you to be the keeper of your own realm - even when the internal or external weather is rough.

Cultivate a stronger sense of the sovereignty of your own space and learn ways to live with healthy and responsive boundaries whilst also being contact with the world.

We gather online near the Samhain when traditionally the veils are thin, to explore - how might neuroplastic tools equip us with choicefulness and agency in how we apply our energies? This will be the sixth and final in our Aliveness Lab workshop series. Facilitated by practitioners Rachel Blackman & Kate Daisy Grant.

26th October 2024
10.00 - 12.30pm UK time / 11am - 1.30pm CET


Neuroplastic Tools for Supporting Boundaries, Limits & Choice

At this cusp between Autumn and Winter, our ancestors would mark the transition from the end of the Harvest, into a more incubatory phase. This turning towards darkness was also a time where the veils were thought to be thin - more aware perhaps of death, transitions and endings. The Otherworld would be celebrated with feasts and celebration on Hallow’s Eve.

This season can be rich in personal meaning, whilst also presenting us with unique challenges. How do we deal with the encroaching dark, the penetrating cold and the wilder weather? How do we tend to our needs in the darker months? How do we prepare ourselves to spend more time indoors with people?!

It can be tempting to pull away from contact, or to handle the ‘too much-ness’ by cutting things abruptly when we are beyond our capacity, but what if there were other ways to interact with the world? Perhaps there might be a third, more satisfying option?

In this workshop, you’ll be invited to develop a sense of different kinds of somatic boundaries - the energetic or numinous kind, the social kind, also - and perhaps not separately - the territorial kind.

We will be exploring tools of sensing your limits - how does your body communicate a sense of capacity, or ‘enoughness’?

What might it be like to have a responsive and lively boundary that keeps in what you want in, and out what you want out? And how might that impact your relationships?

Let's explore!

What Will I Get Out Of it?

• Some easy to learn, take home practices for different ways to strengthening your sense of embodied boundaries, and a sense of how to find your edges and limits.

• Your own bespoke inner tool kit for helping you to communicate and interface with the space and requests of the other, while holding yourself steady

• Your own bespoke inner tool kit for setting the scene for generative and creative expression of needs, wants and choices, that honour the personhood of self and other

• Basic education of how the Nervous System works in relation to this theme 

. • A live interactive space to bring your real life enquiries and a place to share your experience of the practices. 

• A recording of the whole thing plus itemised practices you can access as video and audio recordings. 

• Lifetime access to all the workshop materials. 

Is This Workshop Suitable For me?

This workshop is suitable for you if you'd like to learn some practical ways to feel a solid, embodied sense of self. Also for sensing and empowering different kinds of boundaries and limits in your life.

You will also find it useful if you’d like to find rooted ways of communicating your boundaries in ways that foster respect, creativity and choice.

No previous experience is necessary. The workshop is open to anyone who lives in a body - hoorah! - and is feeling curious.

You might be drawn to this workshop because you are curious about drawing on the deep wells of biological intelligence that is inherently within you. You might be looking for opportunities to expand your range and creative agency. Or maybe you're interested in discovering ways of doing things that feel more easeful and aligned with your desires and longings.

This workshop may not be suitable for you if you are looking for a therapeutic process. This is an experiential learning environment whose focus is assisted self-study. We will be working within a somatic coaching framework. Whilst this work may have therapeutic benefit, it is not a replacement for therapy.

The recording of this workshop will be also available to participants who will not be present in the live call. It will also be made available to audiences as an evergreen product and form part of a living library of online workshop resources for the good of many. You will be invited to share in the space and will always be given the option to turn the camera off or pause the recording if preferred.

Pricing options

Please choose a price that suits your financial situation. Early bird pricing is available until the 4th October. Use the coupon code WILD at check out to access the discount for all pricing options.