What is it?

A Saturday morning experiential workshop for supporting you to harness creative potential and apply it in your life.

We gather online near the Autumn equinox to support you to gather in the fruits of the summer to harness your creative potential in the cooler months. We will use neuroplastic practices to explore how we might work from a place of abundance, plugging into a source of plenty to create more easily. 

Bring a desire, a longing or an idea for something you’d like to create or make happen.

This will be the fifth in our Aliveness Lab workshop series. 

Facilitated by practitioners Rachel Blackman & Kate Daisy Grant. 


14th September 2024 


10.00 - 12.30pm UK time / 11am CET

Creating From Fullness, Cultiviting From a Spirit of Plenty

At this late Summer transition, our species has traditionally given thanks for the gifts of Summer, and aimed to store and transmute these expansive energies into resources to take us through to the cooler months. Bottling, weaving, folding in, taking in deeply what has been given, with an enquiry as to what we might produce ourselves.

Some of the heat and excitement has gone out of things and there is an invitation to consolidate, to integrate and to harvest. This threshold season often feels like a return to something more regular - a clarifying and freshening. From the more de-focalised haze of Summer, how might we gather our focus a little more inwards and begin to tend to what wants to be made? How might we intentionally invite in the gifts of Summer into this next cooler phase?

In this workshop, you’ll first be invited to create a resourcing map of your personal harvest of the Summer. A collection of touchstones to continue to feed you through the Autumn.

From there, you will be invited into a creative process to explore what wants to be cultivated from this place. Bring an idea for something you want to grow, create or cultivate. Anything at any point in the gestation process is welcome. We will deepen into relationship with its wisdom and unique voice as an already living thing.


'Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. Only when we are at our most playful can divinity finally get serious with us. The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes.'

~ Elizabeth Gilbert - Big Magic 

What Will I Get Out Of It

• Some easy to learn, take home practices for creating from a living, inspiring treasure trove, rather than the blank page.

• Your own bespoke inner tool kit for more fully receiving the spirit of plenty and then exploring how it wants to be shaped into form.

• Your own bespoke inner tool kit for feeling steady, centered and able to hear the voice of your creative project

• Basic education of how the Nervous System works in relation to this theme

. • A live interactive space to bring your real life enquiries and a place to share your experience of the practices.

• A recording of the whole thing plus itemised practices you can access as video and audio recordings.

• Lifetime access to all the workshop materials.

Workshop Flow

- Welcome / check in 

- Developing your enquiry 

- First experiential with Rachel and Kate

- Sharing Space 


- Second experiential with Rachel and Kate

- Sharing space 

- Front Brain conversation / Q&A 

- Applications & Closing

Is This Workshop Suitable For Me?

This workshop is suitable for you if you'd like to learn some practical ways to feel a solid, embodied sense of self for channeling more creativity in your life. It will also be useful for you if you’d like to have some rooted ways of transmuting nervousness into more helpful, usable energy.

The workshop is open to anyone who lives in a body! Hoorah!

You might be drawn to this workshop because you are wanting to learn ways of drawing on the deep wells of biological intelligence that is inherently within you.

You might be looking for opportunities to expand your range and creative agency. Or perhaps you might be interested in discovering ways of doing things that feel more easeful and aligned with your desires and longings.

This workshop may not be suitable for you if you are looking for a therapeutic process. This is an experiential learning environment whose focus is assisted self-study. We will be working within a somatic coaching framework. Whilst this work may have therapeutic benefit, it is not a replacement for therapy.

The recording of this workshop will be also available to participants who will not be present in the live call. It will also be made available to audiences as an evergreen product and form part of a living library of online workshop resources for the good of many.

You will be invited to share in the space and will always be given the option to turn the camera off or pause the recording if preferred.

Pricing options

Please choose a price that suits your financial situation. Early bird pricing is available until the 23rd August. Use the coupon code PLENTY at check out to access the discount.

Your Guides

We are Kate & Rachel. 

We are two somatic practitioners and professional artists who are passionate about supporting you towards a richer experience of aliveness. 

 We do this in various ways, utilising many different approaches, but the common thread is we start with the knowledge that your nervous system is wise and you are already resourceful, creative and whole. 

Somatics is a body of work that is interested in your unique lived experience. We might think of it as a way of being with ourselves in presence. It assumes that we are a whole creature experiencing ourselves in many aspects. We are a human being and doing, we are a human feeling, sensing, perceiving and of course also thinking. 

Somatics welcomes all of these aspects of experience. 

We will be your guides for this workshop. 

Kate is a highly experienced body psychotherapist, body oriented coach and artist. You can find more about Kate's private practice here at Body Mind Somatics

Rachel is a somatic coach and trainer of coaches. She is also a Feldenkrais practitioner and artist. You can find out more about Rachel's private practice at Vibrant Body.

This workshop forms part of a series of public workshops they will be running bringing some of the goodies from their shared work, directly into your hands.