Daring To Be Delighted:

Cultivating Joy & Letting Your Light Shine

We are a species that has a complicated relationship with feeling good. We may feel guilt, or that it’s somehow inappropriate to feel and express joy, when faced with a world that is in pain or struggling. Yet joy and delight are fundamental to our enjoyment of being alive.

Remembering how to be a conduit for joy and delight can give permission for others to feel their delight too. Allowing our own joy can light up rooms in a world that desperately needs more rooms to feel lit up.

True delight is deeply infectious.

We may feel the expansion of joy, but have no idea how to contain, grow and follow these energies. So, we can go back to flattening our emotional range and living with the feeling that we’re missing out on something vital.

If you are curious about discovering where your ecstasy and wonder live. If you are longing to allow a more full expression of yourself - to sing, to dance, to roar, to play, like the wild creature you - in essence - already are, then this workshop might be for you!

If you have ever been told you are too much, too little, too loud too soft, too expressive, too small, too intense, too quiet, too excitable, too sensitive, too fragile, too, whatever you are is very welcome here.

Libido = Creativity = Life and sometimes we need to remember how to orient towards our own enjoyment or life can get very flat and dry. Enjoyment is as natural as the air that we breathe and our birthright as sensory beings. What if joy is just as valid and important visitor as any of the other feelings? A golden crumb on a trail that signals you might be on to something enriching and enlivening? Let's restore this vital and life bringing resource to it's central place as a guide for the Soul?

In this workshop we play with indentifying this beautiful resource that is already in us, being in the fullness of ourselves, and then offering it out to the world as radiance.

Through their combined trainings in somatic coaching and psychotherapy, movement, ritual tending and creative practice, Rachel and Kate lead a neuro-biologically inspired adventure into what makes your spirit sing.

They invite you to dream into how your personal joys might beam into the world as creative process in action and expression.

Let us step out into the sunshine together and dare to allow delight!

'We must risk delight.

We can do without pleasure, but not delight. Not enjoyment.

We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.'

– Jack Gilbert

What Will I Get Out Of It?

• Some easy to learn home practices for easing yourself into hosting joy and pleasure.

• Your own bespoke inner tool kit for cultivating more capacity to be in delight.

• Turning enjoyment into creative expression

• Basic education of how the Nervous System works in relation to this theme

• A recording of the workshop (originally recorded in June 2024) to watch online, plus itemised practices you can download as audio recordings for offline use.

• Lifetime access to all the workshop materials.

Workshop Flow


Arriving in the body / Check in 

Plan/Flow of the Workshop


 - Kate - constellating pleasure - 

 - Rachel - moving pleasure into creative practice -


 - Kate - voicing the song of joy - 

- Rachel - Ancestral support for your Joy -


Purchase Options

Click the button to purchase this workshop recording.

  • £40.00

    Cultivating Joy Workshop Recording


Is This Workshop for Me?

This workshop is suitable for you if you'd like to learn some practices for mainlining more enjoyment and delight into your experience.

The workshop is suitable for anyone who lives in a body! Hoorah!

You might be drawn to this workshop because you are wanting to learn ways of drawing on the deep wells of biological intelligence that is inherently within you.

You might be looking for opportunities to feel more at home with pleasure.

Or perhaps you might be interested in discovering ways of doing things that feel in tune with what brings you alive and makes your heart zing!

This workshop may not be suitable for you if you are looking for a therapeutic process. This is an experiential learning environment whose focus is assisted self-study. We work within a somatic coaching framework. Whilst this work may have therapeutic benefit, it is not a replacement for therapy.

In this workshop we work with embodied elements, ritual elements and with various forms of creative practice. There will be free movement, singing as well as the calling of the numinous in a way that honours the neuroception of safety.

You don't need to know anything, believe in anything, or have any experience of these ways of working to gain goodness from it - everyone who is curious is welcome. However, if these ways of working don't resonate, this may not be the right workshop for you.

Your Guides

We are Kate & Rachel. 

We are two somatic practitioners and professional artists who are passionate about supporting you towards a richer experience of aliveness. 

We do this in various ways, utilising many different approaches, but the common thread is we start with the knowledge that your nervous system is wise and you are already resourceful, creative and whole. 

Somatics is a body of work that is interested in your unique lived experience. We might think of it as a way of being with ourselves in presence. It assumes that we are a whole creature experiencing ourselves in many aspects. We are a human being and doing, we are a human feeling, sensing, perceiving and of course also thinking. 

Somatics welcomes all of these aspects of experience. 

We will be your guides for this workshop. 

Kate is a highly experienced body psychotherapist, body oriented coach and artist. You can find more about Kate's private practice here at Body Mind Somatics

Rachel is a somatic coach and trainer of coaches. She is also a Feldenkrais practitioner and artist. You can find out more about Rachel's private practice at Vibrant Body.

Together they are writing a book. 

This workshop forms part of a series of public workshops they ran in 2024, bringing some of the goodies from their book directly into your hands.