Making Space for Hibernation

As the darkness descends there is an invitation is to come more inwards. But how do we do that in the midst of a busy life?

We are a species who has mostly forgotten how to hibernate. 

When we go into the darker period unprepared, trying to push ahead with our usual way of doing things, it can feel constricting and pressurised. Like there is a diminishing of available space. 

How might we instead, soften into the darker months and find resource there too? 

In this recorded workshop (originally delivered in November 2023), you will encounter practices that will gently support you to navigate  your winter with more ease, spaciousness and enjoyment.  

Join somatic practitioners Kate Daisy Grant and Rachel Blackman for an experiential workshop using somatics, visualisation and nervous system education to support yourself to feel more nourished this winter. 

What will I get out of it?


• Some easy to learn, take home practices for supporting greater agency over the winter.

• Your own bespoke inner tool kit for navigating the darker months.

• Basic knowledge about embodied psychology and how it relates to earthing.

• Basic education of how the Nervous System works in relation to this theme

. • A re-membering of the planetary rhythms, how it relates to being in a body in the modern context.

• A recording of the whole workshop you can watch online, plus itemised practices you can download as audio recordings to use offline.

• Life time access to all the workshop materials.

Is This Workshop For Me?

This workshop is suitable for you if you'd like to learn some practical ways of supporting yourself to feel more grounded and spacious during the time of year when we typically contract and feel more pressure.  

The workshop is open to anyone who lives in a body! Hoorah! 

You might be drawn to this workshops because you are wanting to learn ways of drawing on the deep wells of biological intelligence that is inherently with in you. 

You might be looking for opportunities to expand your range or interested in discovering ways of doing things that feel more easeful and aligned with your needs. 

This workshop may not be suitable for you if you are looking for a therapeutic process. This is an experiential learning environment  whose focus is assisted self study.  Whilst this work may have therapeutic benefit, it is not a replacement for therapy.

Purchase Options

Click the button to purchase this single workshop.
We also offer this workshop as part of a bundle!
Click here to view the bundle of 3 workshops.

  • £40.00

    Darker Months Workshop Recording


About Your Teachers

Your Stewards for the Journey


We are Kate & Rachel. 

We are two somatic practitioners who are passionate about supporting you towards a richer experience of aliveness. 

 We do this in various ways, utiliseing many different approaches, but the common thread is we start with the knowledge that your nervous system is wise and you are already resourceful, creative and whole. 

Somatics is a body of work that is interested in your unique lived experience. You might think of it as a way of being with ourselves in presence. It assumes that we are a whole creature experiencing ourselves in many aspects. We are a human being and doing, we are a human feeling, sensing, perceiving and of course also thinking. 

Somatics welcomes all of these aspects of experience. 

We will be your guides for this workshop. 

Kate is a highly experienced body psychotherapist, body oriented coach and artist. You can find more about Kate's private practice here at Body Mind Somatics

Rachel is a somatic coach and trainer of coaches. She is also a Feldenkrais practitioner and artist. You can find out more about Rachel's private practice at Vibrant Body.

Together they are writing a book. 

This was the first of a series of public workshops they have run, bringing some of the goodies from their book directly into your hands.